Public Utilities & Environment All Categories... ElectricSewerWaste Removal & RecyclingWater go Results Found: 7 Button group with nested dropdown City of Creswell City of Creswell 13 S. 1st St Creswell OR 97426 (541) 895-2531 Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Counc... Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council 28 S 6th Street Ste A Cottage Grove Oregon 97424-2055 (541) 767-9717 EPUD EPUD 33733 Seavey Loop Eugene OR 97405 (541) 746-1583 McDiarmid Controls, Inc. McDiarmid Controls, Inc. 85579 Hwy 99 South Eugene OR 97405 (541) 726-1677 Mckenzie Valley Pump Mckenzie Valley Pump 3766 Kathryn Ave #c springfield OR 97478 (541) 896-0453 Pacific Power Pacific Power 525 Wilco Road Stayton OR 97383 (503) 983-0898 Sanipac Sanipac 1650 Glenwood Blvd Eugene OR 97440 (541) 736-3600